How to Effectively Use Swing Trainers
A. Preparations Before Using Swing Trainers
Find an open space indoor with high enough ceiling or outdoor with no nearby objects all around.
Wear gloves for Golf Club or Baseball/Softball Bat so that Swing Impact Trainer does not slip out of hands.
Hold the Swing Impact Trainer firm enough not to lose it while swinging.
When using the Swing Impact Trainer, DO NOT GROUND because its Heads may get scratched or damaged.
Warm up, stretch and exercise your body up & down, left & right and around.
B. How to Effectively Use Swing Trainers
Start with the lower distance/speed setting of the Swing Impact Trainer’s Control Scale and gradually increase distance/speed by holding the grip and turning the adjustable Control Scale clockwise to desirable distance/speed.
Swing the Swing Impact Trainer in the air as if swinging real golf club or baseball bat WITHOUT GROUNDING.
Begin with COCKING WRIST on upswing, start slow downswing FOOT, LEG and SHOULDER FIRST, accelerate and UNCOCK WRIST right before the ball position and complete follow-through for clicks at optimum distance/speed.
Make sure to hear 1st “click” sound at the DESIRED ball position, not before or after. If the 1st click is heard before the ball position, it means the swing is fastest too early. If the 1st click is heard after the ball position, it indicates the swing is fastest too late. Please REPEAT the process until clicking at the ball position all the time.
Complete swing FOLLOW-THROUGH until hearing 2nd “click” sound at the finish. Swing Impact Trainer Sinker inside Control Scale automatically resets itself to the original position without any manual intervention.
Repeat Steps 1 thru 5 at a desired specific distance/speed setting until consistently hearing the click at the swing impact zone, and then gradually move up the Control Scale to longer distance and faster head speed settings.
Practice with Swing Impact Trainer EVERY DAY to maintain swing paradigm, rhythm, tempo and muscle memory.
If Swing Impact Trainer does not “click” for any reasons, put it UPSIDE DOWN and TAP, hard if necessary, onto padded/carpeted floor to prevent scratches and damages, a few times until its Sinker is detached from the magnet inside Control Scale to break-in.
C. Swing Trainers Care
Please look around and remove any objects before using Swing Impact Trainers.
DO NOT LET small children use Swing Impact Trainers.
DO NOT GROUND the head of Swing Impact Trainer when swinging it under any circumstances. -
DO NOT STORE Swing Impact Trainers IN DAMP AREA.
If carrying Golf Swing Impact Trainer in golf bag, make sure to PUT IT UPSIDE DOWN POSITION so that its Head does not get scratched or damaged.
If carrying Baseball/Softball Swing Impact Trainer, make sure to PUT IT IN ITS BAG provided to protect surface.
Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers, Retailers and Sellers are not responsible for ANY damages caused by users.
Hand and wrist action: There is a belief held by certain teachers (and the inventor of these new trainers) that hand and wrist action is dangerous as it can lead to inconsistencies in ball-striking and direction. Golfers have been influenced NOT to trust their hands. In using your HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY, you will soon realize that it won’t click if you don’t use your hands. It will help you to increase trust in these most wonderful inventions!
Timing: If I ask a thousand golfers ‘when should the club head reach its greatest speed in the golf swing’ the vast majority will answer ‘at impact.’ Of course it should certainly not be before but there is one reason why the intent should be for this to be after impact. This is down to the fact that an accelerating club will hit the ball further than one going at a constant speed. Musicians don’t always play a note on the beat. Sometimes they purposely play fractionally before or after it, especially in jazz. Rhythm and timing are as important in golf as they are in music and good golfers strike the ball fairly consistently on the beat. Your HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY will help you to feel and hear when your release happens at the right time and regular use will help you to take this feeling to the course. So, the feeling and sound of the click should start at impact and, due to speed, will seem to go on for around 12 inches into the through swing. As you embrace the concept of the click, thus the release, happening later you will find that the transition between back swing and forward swing will become smoother and you will not need to swing the club down from the top of the back swing so quickly. This urgency to get back to the ball is one of the average golfer’s main faults. Put your HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY on a very easy setting and see if you can make it start to click at the bottom of the arc, i.e. where the ball would be. Now see if you can make it click before and after that point. This will soon show you where the click should come, i.e. from the ball onwards into the follow through.
Finish: Of course, it’s difficult to accelerate right through the ball, reaching your highest speed well into the follow through, whilst finishing early. You can’t stop just after the quickest point. Try relaxing your arms and shoulders at the end of the swing and you’ll soon find that the club goes much further through. Top players always swing right through the ball to a good finish because they recognise the importance of fully releasing the club and not quitting on the shot. Take care not to use excessive force to get right the way through as, without this relaxation, you could hurt your back.
Rhythm: Rhythm is a much-underestimated aspect of the golf swing and your HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY will provide you with help in this essential area. Sam Buss, one of England’s up and coming young stars, uses his HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY to gain consistent rhythm. You can imagine the amount of travelling he has to do and how this can affect his rhythm. He has 3 settings, one for a wedge, one for a 7 iron and one for a driver. He uses it when practicing as soon as he gets to the tournament venue and finds his rhythm very quickly. Many HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY users keep it in their golf bag and use it to warm up before they go on the first tee.
Benefits of practicing your swing without hitting any bad shots: It may seem a strange thing to say but the HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY works particularly well because there is no ball and no result to get embarrassed about or analyse. Consequently, most golfers swing it much better than they do a normal club when hitting a ball, regardless of which club they are using. Doesn’t it make sense to practice using your best swing rather than the one you use when facing all the interferences you find on the course such as teeing off in front of other players or the worries about obstacles placed in your way by the course architect? There was a low handicap American golfer taken prisoner in the Vietnamese war. He suffered a couple of years of starvation and torture. When he arrived home the first thing on his mind was to play golf. He went round in a couple over par. His friends and family were amazed and asked how he could do this without having hit a ball for 2 years and with all he had gone through. He answered that he had been swinging without a club every day whilst imagining playing at his home club. Every shot had been perfect in his mind’s eye. He explained that he hadn’t hit a bad shot in over 2 years!
Physical training: Regular use of your HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY will keep both you and your swing in shape. You will be using all your golfing muscles and will soon find that you need to be relaxed and supple to get the best from it. It is a great help to the senior golfer who needs to keep mobile.
Regular use: If there is one issue that prevents golfers from maximising the benefits of their HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY purchase it is simply not using it regularly. It is easy to underestimate its value because it feels simple and easy to use. How would you feel about seeing the golf swing as being easy and simple?
Setting: 11mph is the easiest setting. 110mph is a hard for most of us and is a setting which only low handicap and tour players need use. Please don’t use your HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY on too hard a setting for your swing as it will incite you to swing with too much speed and effort leading to inconsistency. Using it at an easy setting will be more beneficial as it will help you combine smooth rhythm with a good release of the club.
Right and Left-Handed: Your HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY is equally effective right and left-handed and can be used by male and female golfers of any age. It is simply a question of using it on a setting that suits your club head speed.
Maintenance: There is nothing to do to maintain your HOLE IN ONE / SWING CADDY in good working order other than to take care of the grip. This is best done by using a strong nail brush with some ordinary household soap. You will see the dirt and grease coming out and then need to rinse it with clear water after washing it.